Two Ways to Focus Before Starting Another Task

1 Minute Meditations and Focus Stones

Harley Bell
4 min readJul 3, 2023
by Harley Bell

New idea energy is electric, and I love to ride the lightning. New ideas are exciting and addictive. But they do not help me finish and implement the ideas that I’ve already had. In fact, it often does the opposite. I am a 70% finished kind of guy. I want this to change.

I’ve been reflecting on this problem: why do some of us struggle to finish things?
I am still exploring this inquiry, but I want to share a few things I’ve learnt so far.

Some of us need to stumble upon our own solutions, in our own time. An expert could probably look at my workflow and point out exactly where I am stumbling. But sometimes, I am not in the right place to listen. Sometimes, I need to suffer from the pain of my own struggles before I feel ready to change my behaviors. This pain is often the trigger to awareness. Without it, I wouldn’t even know that there was a problem in the first place.

I’ve discovered that I need reminders to focus and reorient towards my primary tasks and goals. These are two techniques that I’ve learnt the hard way. I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me.




Harley Bell

I write about writing, creativity and business. I'm currently working on a poetry book, titled Wild Altar.